OITV Theatre Group
LGBT+ amateur dramatics
Theatre Group
Committee members with oversight of the Theatre group are Dr Sean Pert and Stephen MacKay.
The theatre group started life online during lockdowns in 2020 and 2021. A group of OITV drama enthusiasts read plays together for our own entertainment during those long days. This grew into a group that decided to put on live performances the first being ‘Tales of the Valley’ in December 22. Performed for two nights at Hebden Bridge Little Theatre, the piece consisted of a comic ‘coat hanger' plot about two middle aged gay men living in Hebden Bridge and desperate for money, interspersed with short stand alone scenes about queer lives in Hebden Bridge at various times in the last 100 years. All the scripts were written especially for the show by members of the cast.

The experience of this first performance whetted the appetite for more and our next piece in December 2023 was the hugely successful pantomime
‘No sign of Dick’ written by local theatre professional Sue Frumin and again performed at the Little Theatre. Here, Dick Whittington, after a night of mind bending drugs, ends up in Slack Bottom, defeats the evil Chief Rat -Humbert Rattington and becomes Mayor of Hebden Bridge. Audiences went wild for this pantomime, and indeed, we thought some were going to feint with excitement as Moy Cash, dressed as a certain police officer from ‘Happy Valley’ entered the auditorium.
‘No sign of Dick’ written by local theatre professional Sue Frumin and again performed at the Little Theatre. Here, Dick Whittington, after a night of mind bending drugs, ends up in Slack Bottom, defeats the evil Chief Rat -Humbert Rattington and becomes Mayor of Hebden Bridge. Audiences went wild for this pantomime, and indeed, we thought some were going to feint with excitement as Moy Cash, dressed as a certain police officer from ‘Happy Valley’ entered the auditorium.
We are now rehearsing
‘Bah Humbug-A queerky Christmas Carol, once again written by Sue Frumin for performance at Hebden Bridge Little Theatre 19th-21st December 2024.
It’s going to be hilarious!! Come and be amazed!!!
Rehearsals are either at:
'The Space' First floor
Hebden Bridge Town Hall
St George's Street
Hebden Bridge
Access via the side entrance in the evenings.
St. James the Great Church
Church Lane
Hebden Bridge
See here for Google Maps directions.
'The Space' First floor
Hebden Bridge Town Hall
St George's Street
Hebden Bridge
Access via the side entrance in the evenings.
St. James the Great Church
Church Lane
Hebden Bridge
See here for Google Maps directions.

Directions to the Space and other rooms at Hebden Bridge Town Hall
Directions to St. James the Great Church, Hebden Bridge

Access via the side entrance in the evenings.
Hebden Bridge Town Hall Side Entrance
Follow the road around to the right of the main entrance onto Hangingroyd Lane.